Friday, August 13, 2010

The Reason for Living

I’m haven’t really delved into my family in the whole blog-o-sphere yet, but at the end of the day, that’s what matters most.  There are just wondrous moments in our lives and pictures can capture such great moments.  My boys are awesome kids.  Sure they aren’t always behaved, but these boys are boys and they do have fun and I’m very proud of them.  This is an homage to that which is my family!  Love you guys!

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Reed enjoying our Flash costume!  What’s not to love?

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A proud boy and his new bunk bed!

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My little Batboys showing their love for their favorite superhero!

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Kids coming running for the great taste of sand!

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Clearly he picks up his baseball skills from his old man!

That’s all for now!  I’ll post more later on!


1 comment:

  1. Nice. I miss my kiddos being that young!

