Monday, August 2, 2010

OMG, Verizon Getting iPhone???

Ok, one constant that I have to hear every time Apple goes to make a new press release is, “OMG, they’re going to announce the iPhone for Verizon today!”  Or I hear, “They’re going to announce at this coming “fill-in-the-blank” convention!"  Seriously folks, who cares?  I’m sick of hearing about when Verizon will get the iPhone.


OMG, iPhone for Verizon!  Happiest day EVAR!

One of the more annoying parts of the whole Verizon thing is that the people who seem most genuinely interested in the rumors of when the iPhone is going to Verizon are the same people who think the iPhone is crap.  They complain about how terrible and awful it is, but if it was on Verizon, I would put money on them owning it.  I know it would happen! 

For the people I know who do have iPhones on the AT&T network, I’ve never heard a complaint from them.  They love the device and they don’t have problems with the service at all.  80% of the iPhone problems tend to be people who a) aren’t properly using it or don’t know what they’re doing with it b) have poor reception because they live underneath a mountain, or in a huge apartment complex with radio waves shooting from every 10 millimeters or c) live in Alabama where civilization has never been kind to in the first place.

Keep in mind, software upgrades sometimes cause issues and third party apps that people shouldn’t have installed might be causing issues too.  There are some little things about iPhones that can be annoying (namely that if you switch computers, iTunes acts like it doesn’t love you anymore), but those are far outweighed by all the cool things and neat apps that it has.

There are dyed-in-the-wool Blackberry users who don’t like it because they have brand loyalty.  I respect that devotion, that’s cool.  But they seem to despise it because it isn’t produced by RIM.  Yet, I don’t see iPhone users making fun of the Blackberry.  It is simply a matter of what you like, what you want to do, etc.  Apple’s community support for the product in terms of Apps has been nothing short of remarkable and I think that’s 75% of what makes the iPhone cool.  I like the growing Android market and I like to see it growing as well. 


The “new” generation of smartphone users, all standing in line for their new smartphones.  Expect 3 hours per tech support call to give instructions for turning the phone on and making a call.  Pray they don’t ask about text messaging.

The smartphone industry is poised for a tremendous boom here, but the economy is making it very hard for people to truly “afford” these great phones (ie. the monthly recurring charges they’ll be seeing).  While true Apple users will not waiver in their support of the product (but they’ll throw AT&T under the bus every chance they get), they will do whatever they have to when it comes to owning the product.  RIM is set to deliver a counterpunch with new and impressive phones and the BlackPad and I say it’ll be an interesting time for all.  The only thing that can hold anyone back is those nasty ID10T errors.  Oh, and the next time I hear about the iPhone for Verizon I’m going to throw-up in my mouth.



  1. hey is there an Iphone for Verizon?

  2. I've heard people say that they would get an iphone if it wasn't on At&t because their 3g network sucks.

  3. The only problem with the 3G network was network congestion. Honestly, the iPhone sold better than anyone ever expected and each release does better than the previous. The 3G network itself is faster than Verizon and allows simultaneous voice and data, something that Verizon and their Circuit Switch technology can't do. The 3G network isn't available in as many areas right now but is set to expand quite a bit very soon. In Sioux City too as a matter of fact.
