I remember the 90’s, they were a great time. America was riding high on the fat and living it up. Things were really starting to look up. But what caused all of it? Well, I’m pretty sure the firestorm that became known as the internet took hold. Soon people needed new computers to get online, so here come the computer companies. ISPs popped up all over the place to meet demand. Then we had advertising and all sorts of pyramid schemes and get rich quick stuff and whatever else you can think of. Eventually it all came crashing down. Too many companies didn’t have real business plans and were just operating off selling advertising and other schemes. It affected all sectors of our economy. We’ve never truly recovered. NAFTA has played a lot into our problems as well. But I’m not getting to my point am I?
Looking back, I’m not sure if history is reflecting favorable on Bill Clinton because of what he did or if he was just in the right place at the right time. After all, shouldn’t we blame NAFTA partially on him? Making us more a part of the global economy is killing us right now, but that’s for another time and place. So we’ve sort of started to revere the man and overlooked his infidelity problems. But this latest bit of news is amazing.
How many of you remember Chelsea Clinton? You know the one. Googly eyed, metal mouthed girl that got made fun of all the time. Yep, her. She’s getting married! Huzzah! And too show how connected the Clintons are with the rest of America they’re going to go low-key on this wedding. Low-key in the tune of 2 MILLION DOLLARS! No, I didn’t stutter. Can you even stutter online? Maybe if a key gets stuck.
(Above) Chelsea asks for stacks of money to help pay for her wedding.
Contrast this to Jenna Bush who’s wedding two years ago cost $100,000. Downright thrifty compared to Chelsea. Still crazy, but comparatively not bad. Should a wedding cost more than a house? How about several really really nice houses? Think on that for a minute. Now think how much your home cost and figure out how many houses could Chelsea have bought at this price! She could buy 34 houses just like mine. 34!
The flowers alone for her wedding cost $250,000! Imagine the kind of home most people can buy for that amount of money. Pretty nice house right? But on flowers, the damned things are going to die in 3 days. With the kind of stuff going on in the world, you’re telling me a wedding is going to have $250,000 worth of flowers. Talked about screwed up priorities folks! I won’t even go into the estimates for the rest, but come on, you have to be kidding me! Do these people live in our America? Have they even seen the state of Michigan? That state goes into a great depression every 4 years!
Politicians now days do not have their pulse on America’s problems. They throw money at things and hope to fix it or they just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist. Why not? They get paid well and have the best benefits you can get. And how do politicians get elected? Well, it starts off usually with having money and then buying a large amount of advertising to bury your opponent and then you just keep working your way up the food chain. But to be a politician, you’re probably going to have to be making a goodly amount of money first.
Do politicians really believe they’re serving our best interests? Yeah, I think a lot of them think that and then they lose touch along the way. They can’t relate to the struggles of a family of 5 trying to make ends meet. They don’t see what happens when you can’t afford to repair your car or replace your water heater. They don’t realize what it takes. And guess who puts them into office? That’s right, you saw that person in the mirror this morning. And it keeps getting worse and the candidates are almost all terrible.
How many people think Hillary Clinton truly understands poverty? Do they understand that our economy is in the shitter? They claim they do, but throwing toilet paper into it isn’t helping. It’s still shit. Somebody get the plunger! The Clinton Family has won my Hobo Shame Award of the Week.
Play em off Hobo Cats!

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