Sunday, July 25, 2010

ECW Part… 3?

It is no secret that ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) was the biggest “cult” hit wrestling has ever witnessed.  It was a unique time and place and TNA Wrestling is set

T to explore it once more.  Apparently Dixie Carter has given Tommie Dreamer the reigns to book this PPV and bring back some of ECW’s stars.  But what will we get?


Several years have passed since the demise, rebirth, and then WWE ultimately crapping it down the drain.  This is like ECW One Night Stand Again.  But the wrestlers are much older now, some are barely wrestling and some just can’t do once what they used to.  Maybe they’ll pull out all the stops, maybe they’ll do stuff we haven’t seen in awhile, maybe they’ll put it all into this one.  Hardcore wrestling fans want more than that though.  They want ECW.

The only way something like ECW could ever exist again is Paul Heyman in creative control.  To TNA, that would be a damned tempting offer.  Heyman was constantly undermined when Vince put him in charge of ECW, insisting of ridiculous things.  Heyman had no creative control in the WWECW, it was all Vince and his cronies.  But the way things are in TNA right now, would Heyman want to be drug back in?  Would he work with Hogan and Bischoff?  Too many egos for that to work.

So what should we expect of TNA’s Hard”core” Justice?  I think you should expect wrestlers giving everything they have for one last time.  I think you’ll see some good memories and decent matches, but nothing to spectacular.  The only way the PPV will get a boost is if Paul Heyman is there or a surprise there.  It will make wrestling fans wake-up and take notice of TNA.

Really though, we’re retreading some old road here and not moving on.  I’m begging to think they should name the PPV, ECW One Last Paycheck for some of those guys.  I here some are trying to make as much money off of it as possible and some are asking TNA to put them under contract for 2 years if they do the show, etc.  As for those wrestlers, you don’t need them for the PPV because it’s apparent they’re only looking out for themselves and don’t truly care about what they’re trying to create.  They will only drag it down more with the drama they’re trying to create.

Am I the only one who feels there have been too many ECW celebrations and “last” shows?  Nobody is letting go of this thing.  I loved ECW, but it’s done and will never happen again.  And to call TNA something like ECW, well, the first few years it might have resembled that, but the last few years have been anything but that.  Sorry Tommy Dreamer, but TNA isn’t the closest thing to ECW there is.  There isn’t anybody even close and there never will be again.  Can’t we accept that and let it rest in peace?


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