Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mark's Comic Book Review Center: Quick Comic Book Reviews - August 22nd, 2010

Mark's Comic Book Review Center: Quick Comic Book Reviews - August 22nd, 2010: "This installment, we find a hidden gem and a horrible new title that will make you throw-up in your mouth a little bit. Brightest Day fina..."


  1. Loved this quote: "Unlike last issue’s Martian Manhunter story, this one makes some sort of sense"

    How'd you do all that fancy jazz to get linked to a whole nutha blog??? Pretty sweet!

  2. On your blogs, you need to go into Design --> Page Elements, then click on Edit under Blog Posts. It will bring up a Configure Blog Posts Window. In there, there is an option for Show Share Buttons. Put a check in it and save it. From then on, you can click on the Orange B icon to cross post it to one of your Blogger sites. Real simple to do, just make sure you select the correct blog from the drop down in the upper left hand corner.

  3. Amazing...

    Thanks! I'll try it out!
